Antiques Market Place

A few miles south of historic Lake George in the beautiful Adirondacks of upstate New York, the Antiques Market Place is an airy, roomy shop. We host 20 dealers whose interests reflect many eras and many different styles, but all with the guarantee of age and authenticity. We're open 7 days a week all year long, except for major holidays and in horrific weather. Our hours are 10-5 daily. You'll be welcomed with a smile. 650 Rte. 149, Lake George, NY 12845 Phone 518-798-0010

Antique textiles, laces, embroidery, sewing tools...come take a look at the history of cultures and societies through period costume and textiles, and the making & merchandising of them. A great group of dealers, each offering quality items from the areas of their own personal expertise.
Home Farm Antiques on eBay for fun with auctions and Buy-It-Now opportunities. Shop name is homefarm*vintage. Quality collectibles, vintage fashion & decor, mid-century modern pieces and some surprises, too. What we love especially.....usual items made with unusual flair. Whether it's a potato masher, a fishing creel or an early trade sign .... if it's got distinctive design and solid craftsmanship, it's for us! Here's a sampling of what's in our eBay shop now and what's coming up soon. Homefarm*vintage has a good change-over. We hope you give it a look often!